Creating a Perfect console application using Visual C++ 6.0

Last updated 27 November 2006

The simplest way to create a Perfect console application compiled using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (with Service Pack 3 or later) is to copy the file HelloWorld.dsp supplied with Perfect Developer to your project directory, rename it, delete the single .cpp source file in the project and add the .cpp files generated by Perfect Developer to the project. You may need to adjust the paths to the Perfect include files and runtime library.

Note: you should also be able to open the .dsp file using Visual Studio 2005 or Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition

If you choose to create a project from scratch, create it as a Win32 Console application and change the project settings as follows:

Release configuration

Tab Submenu Change
C/C++ Code generation Library = Multithreaded DLL
Calling convention = fastcall
Processor = Pentium Pro
C/C++ Optimization Inline function expansion = any suitable
Link Input Object/Library modules: add: version.lib wsock32.lib PerfectRuntime.lib
Additional Library Path: the directory containing the Perfect runtime libraries WITHOUT quotes (e.g. C:\Program Files\PerfectDeveloper\Runtime\Lib\Cpp)

 Debug configuration

Tab Submenu Change
C/C++ Code generation Library = Debug Multithreaded DLL
Calling convention = cdecl
Link Input Object/Library modules: add: version.lib wsock32.lib PerfectRuntimeD.lib
Additional library path: the directory containing the Perfect runtime libraries WITHOUT quotes (e.g. C:\Program Files\PerfectDeveloper\Runtime\Lib\Cpp)

Both configurations

Tab Submenu Change
C/C++ General We recommend Warning level 3. If you are using Perfect Developer version 2.11 or later, you may be able to increase this to Warning level 4.
C/C++ C++ Language Enable exception handling
Enable RTTI
C/C++ Customize Disable language extensions
Add /Zm500 to the Project Options
C/C++ Precompiled headers Enable Automatic use of precompiled headers through header Ertsys.hpp
C/C++ Preprocessor Additional include directories: enter the directory containing the Perfect Developer include files (e.g. "C:\Program Files\PerfectDeveloper\Runtime\Include\Cpp")

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