Perfect Developer basic tutorial 3 | This page last modified 2011-10-29 (JAC) |
Several operations are provided on values of the built-in collection types set, bag and seq. In each case you need to declare a bound variable, which has the type of a single element of the collection.
In the following, condition and expression are expressions that involve the bound variable identifier.
forall identifier::collection :- condition
yields true if all the elements of collection
satisfy condition, or if collection is empty.
For example,
forall c::"4321" :-
yields true. (The literal "4321"
has type
seq of char
- also called
An expression of the form
exists identifier::collection :- condition
yields true if at least one of the elements of collection satisfies condition. So
exists c::"hello world" :- c.isDigit
yields false.
those identifier::collection :- condition
yields a result of the same type as collection comprising those
elements of collection that satisfy condition.
For example,
those q::"hello world" :-
q ~in "aeiou"
yields "hll wrld".
An expression of the form
that identifier::collection :- condition
yields the element of collection that satisfies condition (there must be exactly one). So
that x::seq of int{1, 10, 100} :- 5 < x < 50
is well-formed and has the value 10.
The expression
any identifier::collection :- condition
yields any element of collection that satisfies condition
(there must be at least one). For example,
any w::1..10 :- w%2 = 0
could yield any of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10. (Recall that
constructs a
sequence of the integers 1 to 10 in ascending order, and % is the remainder or
modulo operator).
The last expression type in this group is a little more complicated but very powerful. The expression
for identifier::collection yield expression
yields a result similar to collection except the element type is the type of expression. The result comprises the elements in collection mapped to the values defined by expression. For example,
for x::"ibm" yield
yields "hal" (in this case, expression has the same type as the elements of collection, so the result type is the same as the type of collection).
An expression of the form
for those identifier::collection :- condition yield
is similar, but only those elements of collection that satisfy condition are taken. So if you can remember what conditional expressions look like, you should be able to satisfy yourself that
for those thingy::"Go 4
:- thingy.isLetter | thingy.isDigit
yield ([thingy.isLetter]:
"letter", []: "digit")
is equal to
seq of string{"letter",
"letter", "digit", "letter", "letter"}
If you use any of these expressions as an operand in a larger expression, you will need to enclose it in brackets.
Some of the expressions introduced in the preceding section have alternative forms.
First, in the forall and exists expressions, you can declare the bound variable as having a type instead of belonging to a collection. The bound variable then ranges over all possible values of that type. The type may be finite (e.g. an enumeration type), or infinite (e.g. int).
Now, it may seem odd that in a forall or exists expression, the bound variable is allowed to range over an infinite type. Surely such an expression could take an infinite amount of time to compute? This is true, which is why Perfect Developer will refuse to generate code if the type is infinite. However, it can be useful to use these sorts of expressions in specifications, and the validator is used to handling them.
You can also declare more than one bound variable in a forall or exists expression (see the Language Reference Manual for details).
Second, in the that expression, you can abbreviate
identifier::collection :- true
that collection
Obviously, collection had better contain exactly one element! You can do
the same for the any expression.
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