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“PD is the only tool of the four that comes close to the ideal of automatic
and easy program verification.”

Ingo Feinerer, TU Wien
MSc thesis on Formal Program Verification - a Comparison of Selected Tools and Their Theoretical Foundations

What is Model Driven Development?

Model Driven Development (MDD) refers to the construction of a model of the required system that drives the software development process. Some MDD tools and notations address certain types of software only; others attempt to be wide-spectrum.

Before purchasing or using a MDD tool, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does the modeling notation precisely capture all the required behaviour of the system? In other words, can you use the model alone to predict exactly how the system will respond to any possible input?
  • Does the modelling tool support reasoning about the model? In other words, can you express a required or expected behavior of the system in the modeling notation and then use the tool to verify that the model cannot fail to exhibit that behaviour?
  • Can the tool generate complete, ready-to-compile code from the model, with no need to change or add to the generated code by hand? Making handwritten changes to generated code is a sure route to poor software quality.
Perfect Developer - Making software bugs extinct! Perfect Developer is a model driven development tool that uses the verified design-by-contract paradigm for correct-by-construction software development.

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