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“The ability of the theorem prover to identify problems in specifications is extremely valuable and leads directly to high-quality code.

John Warren
Chief Scientist
Precision Design Technology Ltd



Evaluating the tools

We have a capacity-limited version of the Critical Systems Edition of Escher Verification Studio, which is intended primarily for

  1. serious enquirers who wish to evaluate Escher C Verifier or Perfect Developer
  2. appropriate educational establishments

There is no charge, but the download must be approved by us.

Conditions apply, which are detailed in the download, but in particular:
  • The free edition of the software is not licensed for developing or verifying commercial software other than for evaluation purposes.
  • We would like to know a little about you at the outset, as we want you to look at the product only if it is likely to be suitable for you and your intended use of it.
  • Before any report is published in which our tools are mentioned, we must be given the opportunity to review and comment upon any statement of fact relating to our tools which is made in the report. Also, the version of our tools on which the report is based must be made clear.

You will need to contact us to obtain the necessary download keys.


eCv - reducing the cost of developing Critical Software Perfect Developer - Making software bugs extinct!
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